26 September 2011

i m kepeningan lol

whatever it takes , to have a better love , u need to improve yourself as well . i always mention to have a kelantanian boy . n actually i need a kelantanian person .. yeah .. i m freaking bored with some kl boys who are really disgusting me ..

i m not a beautiful girl, not even a rich person .. but i ve faced lots of problems since last year . should i wake up or just simply in my own world ??

yes , i m envy with all people who got more siblings .. they look happier even they always fight to each other . meanwhile , i can't wait being a mother since i m just like a big fan of kids .. :)

see ??

this pic is just for fun :P  
fazae will move on to the next chapter .
perhaps .. love and laughter is the best medicine .:)

banyak la kau , fatin :P haha catch up soon ..
i ll post more about him later ..lalalala
whatever ! :)

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