30 December 2011

i m glad to be me .

people always get numerous works by gossiping , hanging out , having a date with bf or gf , which even makes my thought says ''they re jerk ''. haha once u get involve with silly people , u ve to reliaze that u re also silly . ") .
It s been awhile i dont mention ''fuk , bith , dem '' cause idk , n i get no idea regarding to this . yeah , i m trying to improve myself , not to be such an angel . just that i ve been doing nothing to akhirat things lately .

thus , I make it maathurat and yassin as my routine everyday unless if i were too exhausted , i shall read a page of quran . seriously i ve never felt so calm like this before . the feeling that I got when i was in TIKL last two years . also , i read quran tafsir n the feeling is super awesome like anything . Alhamdulillah . in short , SHALAT is not sufficient for muslimah like me . we need more n more .

Reading islamic articles is one of my ways to get closer to RABBI .this is one article that have made me on tears . It s about one girl who met Rasulullah in her dream . n SubhanaAllah i was damn touched with the sincerity of our nabi , the way she called that girl n everything .

i m not kinda masjid girl .:D .. go masjid n listen to ceramah .. haha that s not me la... but i ve tried another way to enhance my islamic knowledge .

Jannah is all our priority . it is supposed to be our essential things to be attained . I m truly contented with the happiness from my family . friends n hafiz . HENCE , let me tell u the truth . lately , i m being heartless with everyone n  i m not gonna treat others like prince n princess since they  never know what i ve been through in my life . That s just me .

Till then . Assalamualaikum .:D