9 February 2012

i m not gonna change my words

dun remind me . I know i can be a tepi jln  model .:D

I pretty know that I'm not a good girl , good daughter , good friend n good sister ...
yeah I know I'M not a perfect girl ,
with hot chic body , fair skin , kinda rich family ... etc .
that s just me .

Some friends might think I m a advanced person with ICT , awesome blogshop i ve found in net , the style of my pashmina , my outfits ..
well , come on , i dun even know how to use adobe photoshop , flash . i m still out of dated I guess .
n yeah the way i dress up is something I found in net , or someone that I found so inspiring . Thus , i ve just followed what suits to me . they r all kinda fashionable people n I dun follow them all the things that they ve worn since personally i dun like it ..

well , u can just condemn me .. though u need to remember I M TRYING TO BE A GOOD MUSLIMAH .dun condemn stupid things ... only fool people condemns silly things .. do u really wanna me explain to u why i m a hijabster , why i wear armsock n so on ? -.-'

Dont be friend with me if u think i m a fashionable girl , full of ICT knowledge , ........
i ve known all these since i was in TIKL . hence , give me space to figure out what goes wrong in my life ..

if u really wanna stay with me ( as friend , or whoever ) ,
fully accept me as I am ,
take it o leave it ......... thanks . :)


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