7 April 2012

trip to kl n malacca

kinda awesome . i ve met many great people in three days .. yay ! i knew it . it wasnt a bored trip like others thought .HAHA btw , i was the s.u of this trip .. my first try on being a secrectary of a trip .. note book n a pen were needed those three days ..


KLCC , i ve watched this for few times ... but this time i entered the building with my friends ...my eyes were  glued with the exclusive boutiques like zara , jimmy choo , etc .. u know . i could see mat salleh people with their cute children . i was like '' comel nyaaaaaaaaaaaaa'' .HAHA .. i didnt have feeling to take pic since it looked weird . #myweirdthought

next , we went to dataran merdeka .. nothing awesome i guess . it reminded me when muaz , naqib , mija n all my TIKL friends got a marching competition last two years .. all the flashback started playing in my mind . yeah i miss them <3 .... 



malacca .........

- the end -

I MISS all the moments that we had in our bus .. the guys were singing jiwang songs , the girls were laughing n had a girls talk .. n also MY KIND SWEET FRIEND are stalking smk ismail 's student.. ( he s handsome BTW ) ...

p/s = hey beloved stalker > i miss u

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