13 May 2011

my FIRST DAY being LOWERsix

on occasion my body felt so heavy .. like a big rock above me ..lol i woke up early but i slept again .. juz thinking .. oh no omg! school time .hehe

 actually , i was too excited since this year and next year are  really vital in my life .. hence , i would do my best for it .. this people i met in smkpc 1 .. ^^ have a look ..

seriously , this teacher , en mawardi .. he is such a great teacher . 
 he seldom motivates his students by his own way . 
 i could feel he is a loving person ..

on your left , fatin fatihah bt yaakub 
 my besties since form 2 ......
 got weird when she dont get upu since 
 she got 5A 'S in spm ..hurm 

                                who else .. nur liyana she yassin .. my besties since form 4 ..
                                he reached at school late , around 10 plus o clock .. 
                                as waiting this kid , i then  talked to fatin amirah .. silly things .
                                tq to you yana sent me home ..('',)

                                      okey ..this sweet girl is fatin amirah ... ^^
                                      as i walking to the hall , i called her "fatin "....
                                      she did hug me then .looked like she surprised
                                       well , i was just thinking 'yes , got friend ' hehe

yes ... i m not regretting to be one of UPPER SIX FORM .. i probabaly would get polytechnic but i d rather to be here . this school , SMKPC1 . hopefully my day will be more jolly , cheerful ,etc .. i just wanna start a new happy life in KELANTAN .. my home town ..^^

catch up later ..
                                           tupperware original rIght

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