16 May 2011

what I cRUSHING ON Right NOW !!!!!!!!!

HERE are some of my liking .. i dont know what u guys think bout this stuff , but for me ,  i ll be insane seeing this ..haha lol .DO SHARE your liking .. ^^ 

khairul fahmi aka apek .hihi 

palazzo pant ................
 starting to admire this pant ... ^^ 


maria elena , wearing short skirt 
 i luv that skirt ..!!!!!!!!


                                               i love PASHMINA like others gurls do ..
                                               its so awesome ... ('',)

valentino neuca lucca canvas bag 


KOREAN movie DRAma


I dream to have all the things ... haha when i get my second salary , i would go shopping all this stuff .. ^^.. my first salary i ll give to ma and abah , its a symbol of my love to them ... my teacher who taught me  in TIKL had suggested this idea to his students .. tq ustaz .. (^..^)

p/s >.> i got my own handbag now ..hehe but its cheap and suitable for non graduate student like me.haha 

            > i have met apek few weeks ago .... hihi 

             >  i got pashmina n palazzo tooo..hepi hepi ..^^ 
            > im gonna buy DCLR when i get my second salary ..haha good plan right?

            > iPHONE 4 maybe next year ... after stpm ..!!!!!!!!!! 

a lots of nagging ...... gtg .
 take care friends ................. luv u .. 

                                                                                                               by the  sad tupperware


nana banaras said...

i suka sume tu juga ! except for korean -.-' hoho

nurul fatin che zahari said...

dlu saya tidak suka , sekarang ya ...haha